Sunday, August 2, 2020

Music Reflection: Kontakia

I sit here in the early morning reflecting back over the past 17 weeks since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and reflect on the changes that have been made to our lives, society, and environment. Not just externally, but internally. There are numerous events in the world that have placed us in a state of turmoil, violence, fear, and trepidation. But during this time have any of us taken the gift of quarantine to investigate our internal being? Have you noticed how the sounds of the world have changed?--how the birds and natural wildlife seem to be singing more clearly every morning. The beautiful stillness and serenity that surround everyday events and life that we have missed due to our busyness and distracted minds?  These are the gifts that I have discovered during my almost Walden experience. There are beautiful reminders, daily, even by the minute, that God brings our attention to. Ones that we often miss because we do not take the time to slow down and treat every moment, opportunity, chore, and item as sacred. There is a blessing here--a reawakening that can come out of our current events. One that we need to grasp and put into practice--the Here and Now.

I offer you one of my compositions as a moment of silence and meditation. This piece was composed for the cellist, Aleks Tengesdal, and was premiered in 2014 at the University of Minnesota. The piece was inspired by my reflections on the kontakia (Greek form of a hymn) prayers from the Greek Orthodox Church for Holy Week.  Sections of the first two prayers for the week are:

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night, and blessed is that servant whom He shall find watching…” 

“Being mindful of the hour of the end, O my soul,

...O hapless one - be watchful”

The piece is built upon the longing for God in my life. Being awakened to the call of the Divine. Being present and experiencing the Divine in every moment, simplicity, and situation. As you listen, close your eyes, if you wish, and be in the present.  

I wish each of you peace and love for the upcoming days. I pray that each of us experience, accept, and demonstrate God’s compassion and love toward ourselves, others, and Mother Earth.

Click Here to watch on Youtube 

(Title of Video: Kontakia by composer Ryan Keebaugh)

WIth Metta, Ryan